The drop test of hand sanitizer disinfectant packaging bags


The drop test for spout bags, also known as pouches with spouts, is a common quality control measure to assess the durability and impact resistance of the packaging. 

This test simulates the potential impact a bag might experience during handling, shipping, or when accidentally dropped by a consumer. 

The goal is to ensure that the packaging can withstand reasonable forces without rupturing, leaking, or otherwise failing. 

The specific procedures for a drop test may vary depending on industry standards or specific product requirements, but the general steps are as follows.


Selecting Test Parameters

Determine the specific conditions for the drop test, including the height from which the bag will be dropped, the number of drops, and the orientation of the bag during the drops.


Ensure that the spout bags to be tested are filled with a representative product or a substitute material with similar properties to simulate real-world conditions.

Test Apparatus

Use a drop test apparatus or a testing machine designed for this purpose. The apparatus typically includes a controlled mechanism to release the bag from a specified height.

Drop Heights and Orientations

Conduct drop tests from different heights to simulate various impact scenarios. For example, tests might be conducted at heights of 1 meter, 1.5 meters, and 2 meters. Additionally, conduct drops with the bag in different orientations, such as flat on the bottom, on the side, and on the spout.


After each drop, visually inspect the spout bag for any signs of damage, leakage, or other failures. Check the integrity of the spout, seals, and overall structural integrity.

Repeat Testing

Repeat the drop test multiple times to ensure consistent and reliable results. This helps assess the overall robustness of the packaging design.

Performance Evaluation

Evaluate the performance based on predetermined criteria. Common criteria include whether the spout bag remains intact, retains its contents without leaking, and remains suitable for use after the test.


Document the results of each drop test, noting any observed damage or failure. This documentation can be essential for quality control records and compliance with industry standards.

It's important to note that the specific parameters and procedures for a drop test may vary depending on the type of product, packaging material, and industry standards. Manufacturers often conduct these tests to ensure that their packaging meets the required quality and safety standards for the intended use.

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